A traditional worship service is offered every Sunday at 8:15 & 10:45 a.m..
The Lord's Supper is celebrated every Sunday during both service times.
What do I wear?
People come dressed to their personal comfort level. Some dress up while others come quite casual. All are very welcome!
Children are Welcome in Worship
Families are encouraged to worship together. We offer activity bags for children so parents may listen and participate. A cry room is available for infants and fully stocked with diapers, wipes and a changing table, and a rocker.
A staffed nursery is also available from 9:15am-12:15pm on Sundays for children ages 1-3 years old.
Coffee/Food: Offered prior to our Bible Class/Sunday School, which is a great time to meet and visit with your Christian friends in the Educational Building.
Bible Class/Sunday School Being “in the Word” is a stated value of our time together. The opportunity to study God’s Word together is offered to all ages from 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Nothing is required to attend. You may participate, or just quietly digest what is being said.
The offering plate is passed through the pews during our worship services. We are grateful for all offerings given, but it is never required for you to do so.
You might notice a blue can on the table when you first come in to our church. Each month, a special collection is taken up for various organizations. Save your extra change to make some noise when you drop it in the labeled tin cans as you come into the sanctuary for worship!
If you would like more information on Holy Communion as offerred at Grace Lutheran, click on the link below.
If you would like to preview our services, you can watch past recorded services online, or you can watch our Sunday Bible Class and Worship Services LIVE.