Together in Mission Partnership
By partnering with missionaries in their global ministry, each LCMS member has the opportunity to journey with them and share God’s Word with all the nations.

Grace Lutheran has the opportunity through Together in Mission (TIM) to partner with a missionary from our synod to share God’s Word with the world. 

Here at Grace, we support Pastor Micah Wildauer in his role as a Church Planter in the country of Belize. Pastor Wildauer writes in a letter he sent to our congregation: 

“At this time, we invite you to continue with your support for us in any way you deem appropriate. Above all, I ask for your prayers. ...

Though many short term teams have come through the country, there is not yet a strong Lutheran presence. The goal of the region is to spread the Gospel, plant Lutheran churches, and show mercy to all. Therefore, I will be actively engaged in the evangelization of many villages in order to establish altar and pulpit ministry. I will be working with an Alliance Missionary from Bolivia, a veteran missionary couple who recently relocated to Belize, and two Globally Engaged in Outreach missionaries who will join us in relocating there soon.”

Before accepting the position in Belize, Pasto Wildauer served at the Centre Luthérien d’Etudes Théologiques (CLET) in Dapaong, Togo.

To learn more about Pastor Wildauer and his family, or about the  Synod's TIM Partnership, click on the links below:


Rev. Wildauer TIM Partnership
Supporting Rev. Wildauer's work:
Grace Lutheran includes financial support in its annual budget for our LCMS Missionary.  Those who want to give beyond the congregation’s budgeted amount can write a check to Grace Lutheran with memo - "Pastor Wildauer-Belize."
You can also give online on the LCMS website. Click below to find out more.
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